
Lash Bonder

 Product NameLash bonder 4types
  Color Type  different upon the types
  Volume, bottle  10ml dropper
  FeatureLash bonder helps extended lashes last longer
 How to use  After eyelash extensions, apply small amount of lash bonder with microswab on extended lash area.
 Shelf Life 3years
 IngredientsLash bonder
Di-water, Ethyl alcohol, Tianate L12, 
Alkoxysilane, Sodium gluconate
Lash bonder Melon
Di-water, Ethyl alcohol, Tianate L12, 
Alkoxysilane, Sodium gluconate, Melon fragrance
Lash bonder Banana
Di-water, Ethyl alcohol, Tianate L12, 
Alkoxysilane, Sodium gluconate, Banana fragrance
Lash bonder Strawberry
Di-water, Ethyl alcohol, Tianate L12, 
Alkoxysilane, Sodium gluconate, Strawberry fragrance


Lash primer

 Product NamePrimer Strawberry / Rose / Phytoncide
  Color Type  Clear
  Volume  10ml/ 15ml
  Feature Primer helps making glue stronger.
 How to use  Apply primer on the false lash by micro swab before using glue
It works 24 hours as apply primer
 Shelf Life 3years
(After cap opened: 1year) 
 IngredientsPrimer Strawberry
Ethyl Alcohol,Poly ethyl silicate,Caprylic triglyceride,Geraniol
Primer Phytoncide
EtOH, Poly ethyl silicate,1,8-Cineole, Isopropyl Myristate, 4-t-Butyl Cyclohexyl Acetate
Primer Rose
EtOH, Poly ethyl silicate, Geraninol, Citronellol, Geranyl acetate

BIS Lash Primer (Bottle type)

BIS Lash Primer ( Brush type)

 Product Name BIS Lash Primer
  Color Type  Clear
  Volume  10ml/ 15ml
  Feature Primer helps making glue stronger.
 How to use  Apply primer on the false lash by micro swab before using glue
It works 24 hours as apply primer
 Shelf Life 3years
(After cap opened: 1year) 
 Ingredients Ethyl alcohol, other 